
Tuesday, October 19, 2004

He's just NOT that into you!

These are the six intriguing words I learned from the Oprah Winfrey Show last week. Just a brief description on the show. Oprah invited Greg Behrenht, some director or co-writer or someone who are involve in the production of Sex and The City to the talk show. He is the co-writer of the book, 'He's just NOT that into you' with Liz Tuccillo.

In the show, she interviewed a few ladies who were in relationship quandary. In return, they could ask Greg about men's thinking. There is this lady who asked him on the meaning of her boyfriend saying, "I love you, but I'm not in love with you." The answer was out of my expectation. Greg said that from his understanding, I love you means I don't want to hurt you and I'm not in love with you means I'm not falling for you! So starting from now, I suppose i should assume that any 'I love you' statement with a big BUT would means 'I don't mean to hurt you'! Another question was that how come this guy would email her or sms her or talk to her on the phone for the past 8 months but not ask her out? Is he taking things slow? This is a big DUH for her. OBVIOIUSLY he is not interested in her! And the list of similiar questions goes on...

On the other hand, Oprah also interviewed some guys to reconfirm on those men's thinking. One of the guys actually have 3 lists in his mobile phone; his dream list, normal dating list and last minute list. He would normally call the girls in the dream list on monday or tuesday to book their weekend; normally dating list on wednesday or thursday and last minute list on friday evening (after work or right before heading to the pub). Another guy said that he just lied to a girl whom he met a while ago about how he dropped his mobile in the toilet bowl and lost all the contact detail. That is the lame reason for not calling her!

After some long thoughts, seems to me that all these really make sense! Girls always like to drown themselves in their dream world or fantasy. They always make excuses for guys who didn't call them on expected time; i.e., he might be busy, he might wanna play it slow, he might be those shy type of guys...bla, bla, bla...These are all self-denial! He's just NOT that into you!!! Girls just like to make all these lame excuses for guys to ease their feelings. Some of the girls would even stand their partner cheating on them and thinking that as long as he'll be coming back to her at the end of the day, everything will be fine! There is this one friend of mine who will always start smoking when she break up. She'll have a very serious emotional break down and started taking sleeping pills sometimes! She'll beg her life to get that guy back to her side. Girls just don't accept the fact that He's just NOT that into you ANYMORE!!! That's why girls live in their self-denial fantasy world! Nevertheless, I've always respect girls who have the courage to beg a guy back. I've always think that this requires a HUGE courage and braveness! You have to be really 'thick skin' to do this! I have never done this; maybe I've never love someone (just like) or maybe I'm just too egoistic or maybe I haven't met THE ONE in my life. But on second thought, if he is THE ONE in your life, you would not have to beg them! OK, I'm in my dilemma and contradiction thoughts again, let's not get into this.

Afterall, I just hope that we girls could be more realistic sometimes and remind ourselves that, He Is Just NOT That Into You!


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